We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.



One of the elements that are comming back in modern day society it the concept of a burnout. Most important to note is the fact that a burnout is a mental condition that everything is to much. as if you’re burning a candle on 2 sides without the possibility to add extra wax to it. At some points, you’ve given al you energy to the flame without any energy for yourself anymore and you stop working. One can refer to it as some kind of illness. But saying so is a blunt statement and we only touch the point here in terms of similarities in the string theorem

Within the idea of strings the base stays the same. You’ve taken up to much and are overworked. Overworked at home or at work. You have given away so much knowledge, so much of the strings that define who you are that you notice an empty (black) hole that needs to be re-filled. You need to take your time to re-investigate yourself and redefine your core. Time to find strings floating around in the universe to recreate what was in that black hole. Taking time is key.