We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.


As stated on the general page about disease, our intention is not to provide a comprehensive explanation of cancer or delve into its scientific and medical aspects. However, as individuals, we often find ourselves contemplating the reasons behind the occurrence of illnesses such as cancer, both in ourselves and our loved ones. Within the framework of Stringism, we strive to offer insights into possible explanations for this phenomenon, drawing upon spiritual and scientific perspectives.

In accordance with Stringism, we embrace scientific evidence that highlights two significant factors contributing to the development of cancer. The first factor pertains to lifestyle choices, such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption, which have been identified as potential risk factors. The second factor involves genetic predispositions that can influence an individual’s susceptibility to cancer. Additionally, we acknowledge that beyond these factors, there is an element of chance or “bad luck” involved.

In the realm of Stringism, we perceive the process of cancer development as an echo of disharmony on the spiritual plane. Just as cells in the physical body divide in a manner that deviates from their natural pattern, this disharmony reverberates in the realm of strings. Consequently, experiences emerge that are no longer aligned with the essence of one’s being or their spiritual purpose.


The first elements is genetics. They way You are your DNA has been build by strings. It also takes up the knowledge and experiences of our parents. If your parent have in a structural way that they are created in terms of experiences that offer a higher chance on cancer, the same is and can be present for you. Of course, due to genetical modifications it is possible that you skip this risk.

Lifestyle / enviroment

Within the Stringism theorem, the impact of lifestyle on the risk of cancer can be explained on a fundamental level. As our beings are composed of strings formed by experiences, it is natural that these strings can be shaped by lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking, and more. These experiences and resulting strings are part of our soul, which in turn influences our physical body. The experiences generated by smoking, drinking, and similar activities can bring joy but also place significant stress on both the soul (indirectly) and the body (directly). This stress can lead to the misformation of cells within the earthly vessel of the body, ultimately giving rise to the development of cancer.


Luck, whether good or bad, is not necessarily a direct cause of cancer. However, there are forms of cancer that cannot be explained solely by genetics or lifestyle factors. The intricate nature of strings and their interconnectedness means that fortunate events can occur, but unfortunate events can also transpire. Within the current theorem, we consider that when a person passes away, their strings are “released” and may intertwine with other strings to create a new knot (as discussed in the concepts of resurrections and the afterlife).

Although your soul and body are predominantly formed by the strings inherited from your parents, a portion is also shaped by other strings encountered along your journey. These additional strings that become intertwined with your soul may carry stresses related to lifestyle or environmental factors that could potentially contribute to the development of cancer. This concept also takes into account why cancers continue to occur, as we still carry many stressed strings from our past that have not yet dispersed sufficiently.

In summary, within the framework of Stringism, genetics play a significant role in our existence, as our DNA is intricately woven with the strings of existence. Lifestyle choices can shape our strings, leading to either harmony or stress within the soul and body, thereby impacting the risk of cancer. Additionally, luck or chance is considered in the interplay of interconnected strings, as they can bring both fortunate and unfortunate events. By understanding and exploring these concepts, we gain insights into the complexities of cancer development within the context of Stringism.

How to help?

By exploring this spiritual perspective, we recognize that cancer serves as a transformative journey that challenges individuals to realign themselves with their true nature. It prompts a deep exploration of the soul. In this sense, with stringism we hope to give people with cancer some insights, an awakening to new dimensions of self, and a reconnection with the fundamental essence of existence.

Through the practices of Stirngism, such as meditation, energy healing, and introspection, individuals seek to restore harmony and balance on both the physical and spiritual planes. By addressing the root causes of disharmony, they aim to restore the natural flow of energy within the strings, promoting restand aligning the individual with their authentic self.

In summary, while we refrain from delving deeply into the scientific and medical aspects of cancer, within Stirngism, we offer insights into potential explanations for the spiritual occurrence of this illness.